The of fice… Ah, the of fice!
Object and witness of our keenest
ef forts, occasional letdowns and
greatest triumphs, the of fice is where
we sweat, laugh, cry and succeed
together. From the latin of ficium,
meaning duty, it is the place where
we are called to serve and build
businesses. As Alphonse Allais once
wrote, ‘What is civilization, if not f ire
stations, of fices, factories, bank tellers
and the drinks we share?’ Of fices not
only create a sense of community,
they make communities.
Now, one coronavirus epidemic later,
the of fice is avoided, shunned, and
called into question — still desirable,
but expected to change. After several
months of unprecedented global
unrest, it takes a bit of getting used
to the idea for us to resume our
performance for the of fice production
of the social theatre as if nothing had
changed. The last few months of
uncertainty and soul-searching have
had a permanent emotional impact,
leading us to question our relationship
to our work, our companies, etc.
As I am no prophet or magician, I will
not attempt to guess what tomorrow’s
of fice might look like. I would much
rather like — as a small business
owner, as a woman who works as she
lives, and as a person who f ights for
what she believes in — to share a few
personal thoughts on what role it will
have to play in the future. These are
my 10 commandments to the of fice.
Emmanuelle Duez
Founder Boson Project